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About Us

Colombia is on the cusp of something extraordinary. As the country undergoes a dynamic transformation, we invite you to be a part of it. Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty that Colombia has to offer, from its breathtaking landscapes to its vibrant culture.

Our passionate team is here to guide you every step of the way. We'll be your hosts and your supporters, ensuring you discover the true magic of Colombia in all its richness. Let us show you the hidden gems, introduce you to the warmth of the Colombian people, and create an unforgettable adventure unlike any other.


Welcome To Adventours

We Are Best Adventure Tours Since 2019

our founder and team of guides have explored the most extreme and remote places in Colombia. We have discovered local hidden gems that few people know about, including most Colombians.

We feel that we need to share this experience with other like-minded explorers, which is why we founded Colombia Motorcycle Rental & Tour Co.

At Colombia Motorcycle Rental & Tour Co., we provide travelers with the opportunity to explore Colombia’s winding mountain roads, coastal beaches, and thriving cities on compact motorcycles & scooters. Our goal is to give everyone the experience of seeing and exploring the authentic Colombia.

Whether it’s for a short-day ride or an entire 10+ day Regional Tour, we want to help you be the explorer of your life’s adventure. Colombia is a very special place that is changing rapidly, we want to give travelers the opportunity to see and experience everything is has to offer.

Our team is excited to host and support you during your journey here, introducing you to the magic that is Colombia. We look forward to meeting you and showing you the best of what Colombia has to offer on two wheels!

Who We Are

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Our Vision

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Our Mission

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“Growing up in rural Illinois, I have enjoyed riding motorcycles, driving trucks, and other farm vehicles along backcountry roads and was always drawn to the great outdoors. After finishing my university studies & college football playing career, I traveled across South America and fell in love with the wonderful people, diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and biodiverse temperate climates of the Colombian Andes. In 2021, I made Colombia my home and opened this company in hopes to give like-minded travelers the opportunity to see the Colombia I know and love to this day.”

Tom Speer 

(Founder of Colombia Motorcycle Rental & Tour Co.)